Ghost of Child Caught on Camera Playing by The Stairs in The Middle of The Night

A house security camera has picked up exactly what would be the ghost of a boy and his pet. Footage reveals a living room with a cat but at the medial side there passes a outline in the bottom right hand corner.

The"figure" seems to move backwards and forward before disappearing out of sight as the cat nonchalantly sits on the floor.

Joel Nolan, who said earlier this month it was taken uploaded to YouTube the clip. "On August 8th, 2019 at 12:54am our safety camera picked up a strange visitor walking through the kitchen," he explained.

"Some claim it is a small boy and their furry friend. We don't know for sure, but let us know what you think."

The video was seen thousands of period on YouTube video , following being shared and it has since gone viral on Reddit.

One of those who watched the video on YouTube requested Joey:"Anyone die recently in the family I wonder? It looks like someone.

"He replied:"No recent deaths, fortunately. We've been digging into the history of the house. Not much activity before or later.

"But others appear have found simpler explanations for what the"ghost" was.

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